The Disc Isn’t Dead

“Don’t wait. The time will never be just right.” – Napoleon Hill On July 27th, The New York Times ran a timely article about Netflix and its continued success selling DVDs. In the headline, the Times asserted that “The Disc isn’t dead. Just more efficient.” As streaming booms, Netflix still pulls in a substantial profit […]

We Offer Opportunities

“You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take.” – Wayne Gretzky Everyone in the film business, including the big honchos at the Hollywood studios, do agree on one thing: There are no guarantees. Knowing this, what filmmakers look for are viable opportunities. With every contact they make, they repeat the same plea: “My film is really […]

A Publicist – Why You Need A Good One!

“The more opinions you have, the less you see.” – Wim Wenders Success in film distribution requires the services of a well-connected publicist. Case closed. Check the program guides of the major film festivals like Sundance, Toronto, and Tribeca. You’ll see that every film page lists a “Press Contact.” These filmmakers hire publicists to contact the major […]

The Dreaded “D” Word

My three Ps: passion, patience, perseverance. You’ve got to have these three if you’re going to be a filmmaker.” – Robert Wise Highly esteemed film consultant Jerome Courshon has said: “The one issue filmmakers avoid, until the last possible moment of their filmmaking journey, is distribution.” So true. That’s why it’s considered by many as the dreaded […]

How Good Is My Film?

“Photography is truth. Cinema is truth twenty-four times per second.” – Jean-Luc Goddard How good is my film? This question haunts every filmmaker, even those whose films are produced by the big Hollywood studios. For indie filmmakers, on a limited budget, the question has to be answered before spending a ton of money attending festivals, […]

Selling DVDs Without Risk

“Pick up a camera. Shoot something. No matter how small, no matter how cheesy, no matter whether your friends and your sister star in it. Put your name on it as a director. Now you’re a director. Everything after that you’re just negotiating your budget and your fee.” – James Cameron You can produce and sell […]

Making Big Money in Foreign Markets

“Good cinema should make you forget you are sitting in a theater.”  —Roman Polanski If you need more convincing that foreign sales represent a big market, ponder these opening weekend grosses (May 29-31, 2015): “San Andreas” grossed $54 million in the US and $118 million overseas. “Tomorrowland” grossed $63 million in the US and $133 […]

Selling Films Successfully With Subscription VOD

“Even if you’re on the right track, you’ll get run over if you just sit there.” – Will Rogers Subscription Video On Demand (SVOD) platforms like Netflix, Amazon Prime, and Hulu Plus offer indie films great opportunities for success. Here’s why: These platforms allow subscribers to watch an unlimited amount of content for a set […]