“Even if you’re on the right track, you’ll get run over if you just sit there.” – Will Rogers
Subscription Video On Demand (SVOD) platforms like Netflix, Amazon Prime, and Hulu Plus offer indie films great opportunities for success. Here’s why: These platforms allow subscribers to watch an unlimited amount of content for a set monthly or annual fee. Chances are subscribers will not know too much about your film. However, they would be more apt to click your film because, after all, it’s part of the subscription. With transactional platforms like iTunes, where you pay for each film watched, users might not be willing to risk the cost if they are unfamiliar with your film.
The CINEMAflix DISTRIBUTION program includes the encoding and submission of your film to the 3 most popular SVOD platforms: Netflix, Amazon Prime, and Hulu Plus. They, and most other major platforms like iTunes, Sony Playstation, and Google Play, are all part of our package.
Check our website, www.cinemaflixdistribution.com. It lists our features and costs.
Our best,
Elliott Kanbar
DIRECT LINE: 212-628-4990
DIRECT E-MAIL: eskanbar@aol.com
Donald Rabinovitch
Executive Vice President – International Sales & Business Development
DIRECT LINE: +1 914 645 1999
DIRECT E-MAIL: donald@cinemaflixdistribution.com
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